
WINPAC V3 Property Management Interface System

Guests staying in a hotel will remember when excellent service has been provided to ensure an enjoyable, ‘problem-free’ stay. As demand for quality service increases, hotels will strive to upgrade their facilities and guest services as guests continue to evaluate the hotels based on their value added services. The Winpac V3 Hotel Property Management System (PMS) is designed as the mediator between office and PABK System which helps to enable various functionality of the said system whilst capturing various call charges and activities within the hotel.

Features and Function of WINPAC V3 Property Management System [PMS]

Message Waiting Lamp
Message Waiting Lamp can be turned on and 0″ upon the receipt and retrieval of text. voice and/or fax message
Call Charge Posting to guest’s follo
Hotel is able to implcment various service charges for different type of calls (Local, Domestic, IDD, Home direct. Collect call Toll free, Operator assisted and Internet Call.)
No actuality time-out alert
Should any device that links lo (WINPAC V3 PMS fails, the system will be able be dated it and worn the use! by an audio and visual alarm.
Intelligent Console(IC)
To allow quick maintenance of PBX database without enabling FOS Database Swap
Simultaneous Interface
Can interface with Front office System, PBX, Voice Mail System.Voice Confirmation System. Auto Wakc-up System. Fax Mail System. Maintenance system. Communication Center System and Bullet Paging System.
Daily Departmental and Summary Reports
Night Auditor and Accounts can obtain reports sorted by extension and department. as well as to reconcile the daily Telephone Call and Minibar transactions.
Guest Name Updating
Operator can consistently provide an impassive an responsc t0 guest calls by addressing them by their name.
Call Computation
Editable formula for each call type enables the hotel to change the call computation on and when required.
Room change update
Transfer guest information and status such as voice mails. message indicator. wake up (all, etc when guest change rooms
Voucher printing
Print vouchers on specif1c calls type made. minibar transactions, reprint old vouchers and edit voucher formats.
Activities logging
All transactions are slated in a file for future reference.
Various On-line maintenance updating
While PMS is naively processing transactions in the background, uses can access the system maintenance file lo update all the current parameters (e9. System data printing. room status. language code mapping, call rate table, guest names. telephone surcharges, service charge, tax and rounding operator assisted call charges).
Telephone barring and unbarring
The room telephone can be unbarred and barred upon guest’s click in and check out.
All the data transfered to and from WINPAC V3 PMS can be monitored on-screen
Database Swap
Database can be synchronized between the Front Office system and PABX.

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At HTPL, we offer specialised consulting services to help hospitality businesses thrive in a digital world. Our team provides strategic insights and practical solutions, from optimising digital experiences to enhancing operational efficiency, tailored to the unique needs of hotels and resorts.